Team Huddle

4 ways your Huddle policy is helping the planet

 Cece Paredes
Cece Paredes
April 24, 2023
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Each year we give 1% of our revenue to organisations tackling environmental issues. If you’ve got a policy with us, this is how it helped make an impact in 2021.

Good news if you like insurance with a positive impact. Being part of 1% for the Planet, we donate 1% of our revenue each year to organisations taking action for the environment. Bonus - if you have a policy with us 1% of what you pay goes towards this donation.

For 2021’s donation we choose four organisations tackling significant environmental projects for the people and regions they work with: Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand, Australian Youth Climate Coalition, Greenfleet and Australian Wildlife Conservancy.

We got a bit more detail from each organisation on the impact they’re making for the planet and how our donation, and your policy helps their mission.

1) Planting native trees to absorb 1,333 tonnes of carbon dioxide with Greenfleet

This is the equivalent of taking 310 vehicles off the road for a whole year!

Restore native forests and protect the climate. It’s a mighty task to tackle, and one Greenfleet has an incredible track record in. Australia’s first carbon offset provider is busy planting native biodiverse forests across Australia and New Zealand. These forests absorb carbon to reduce global warming, while also providing habitat for native wildlife.

Now in their 25th year of taking climate action, Greenfleet has planted 9.6 million native trees across 500 forests. These forests are legally protected for up to 100 years, ensuring their impact is safeguarded for decades to come.

How will our donation help?

Through our 1% for the Planet donation, your policy is supporting work to plant enough native trees to absorb just over 1,333 tonnes of carbon dioxide - which has the same impact as taking 310 vehicles off the road for a year.

Image courtesy of Greenfleet

2) Supporting small-scale farmers in the Pacific with Fairtrade Australia & New Zealand

Fairtrade empower small-scale farmers and workers in developing countries to get a fairer deal. Locally, Fairtrade Australia & New Zealand (ANZ) is part of a global network changing trade for small producers through better prices, decent working conditions and prioritising environmental conservation.

We’re big fans of how Fairtrade’s work helps producers achieve financial security and obtain more power at the negotiating table. Partnering with small-scale farmers means the wider community, including farmer’s children and families, all reap the benefits of stronger local businesses that are less vulnerable to poverty.

How will our donation help?

We’ve donated just over $24,000, so you’ll be contributing to environmental programs Fairtrade ANZ run for producers in the Pacific region. These programs are designed to improve the quality of producers’ products and help them find new markets to sell to.  

Producers based in Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, Fiji, the Solomon Islands, Samoa and Tonga all benefit from these programs. Fairtrade’s expertise also helps them access valuable pre-finance and co-investment funds for their businesses.

Molly Harriss Olson, CEO of Fairtrade ANZ shared with us "the generous donation … will really make a difference to the work we are doing in the region to create a fairer world for women, children and the environment. "

Image courtesy of Fairtrade Australia & New Zealand

3) Funding training for youth fighting climate change with the Australian Youth Climate Coalition

Inspiring youth to take action on the climate crisis the Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC) is Australia’s largest youth-run organisation. They have a proud history of empowering volunteers to lead strategic campaigns and winning big investments in clean energy. We’re keen supporters of AYCC’s work, taking part in the Global Climate Strike they organised.

AYCC have a clear vision for a better world through a shift to clean energy. They’re vocal about action the government needs to take for climate justice. They want the fossil fuel industry to stop receiving public money and a commitment from the government to reach net-zero emissions by 2035.

How will our donation help?

With the Federal election a few months away, 2022 is a vital time for AYCC to ensure their members are trained and able to amplify the concerns of young voters. Our donation of just over $24,000 will go towards training, organising and empowering young people - the foundation of AYCC’s work.

Liv, AYCC’s Digital Organising Coordinator, shares, “joining the AYCC gave me a space where I could make a meaningful and tangible difference… I've met a great community while getting a concrete direction and goals for my climate justice journey.”

Image via AYCC's Facebook

4) Conserving fragile land and endangered wildlife with Australian Wildlife Conservancy

An astounding 1,800 native plant and animal species are threatened with extinction in Australia. Organisations like Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) are helping to protect these endangered species and their habitats.

As the largest private owner and manager of land for conservation in Australia, the significance of AWC’s work is why we’ve chosen to work with them on an ongoing basis. We allocate our donation to AWC based on an optional cover Huddle customers can get with their Car Insurance called Kanga Cover. Each time a customer selects this add-on we donate $4 to AWC.

How will our donation help?

Managing 6.5 million hectares of conservation land across 31 locations and providing sanctuaries for thousands of endangered animals is no mean feat, so our donation of over $10,000 will be used to support AWC’s ongoing operations.

Image via AWC's website of their Ecological Health Monitoring work

Easy ways to keep supporting these organisations

If you’re feeling inspired to support the work that these four organisations do, here’s a few easy ways you can get behind them:

  • ☕️ Fairtrade: choose Fairtrade goods like coffee, tea, chocolate and bananas as part of your grocery shop. Their website has a list of brands that are Fairtrade approved.
  • 👋 Australian Youth Climate Coalition: Take action with the AYCC and help maximise the impact of their climate justice work. They have regular Welcome Calls where you can find out more about getting involved and the initiatives you can sign up for.
  • 🌳 Greenfleet: For just $1 a day with Greenfleet, you can offset the average amount of carbon emitted by each person in a year in Australia (23 tonnes of C02-e)
  • 🐨 Australian Wildlife Conservancy: Donate to AWC and support the work they do  restoring threatened wildlife populations and stopping the decline. They’ve also got volunteer opportunities if your skills match the expertise they need!

We’re excited to keep growing our impact with organisations committed to tackling the planet’s big issues and we feel pretty fortunate to have customers that feel the same way!

In the near future we’ll be looking to have customers like you share their thoughts on which organisations you’d like to see us support. Stay tuned as we ramp up our impact and explore new ways to help insurance do good.

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Illustrated image of two people walking in nature
Team Huddle

4 ways your Huddle policy is helping the planet

Each year we give 1% of our revenue to organisations tackling environmental issues.